Ward 3 Housing Justice
Contact: Gail Sonnemann, 202-286-0845, gsonnemann@gmail.com
Ward 3 Housing Justice (W3HJ), a group of mostly Ward 3 residents organizing for truly affordable housing in Ward 3, asked candidates for DC council which concrete actions they would take to increase affordable housing in Ward 3 and throughout the city. 11 candidates responded to the W3HJ affordable housing questionnaire.
Six of the nine Democratic Party Ward 3 candidates responded: Ben Bergmann, Deirdre Brown, Tricia Duncan, Beau Finley, Matt Frumin, and Monte Monash. Henry Cohen, Eric Goulet, and Phil Thomas declined.
All four Democratic Party At Large candidates, Anita Bonds, Nate Fleming, Lisa Gore, and Dexter Williams responded.
Erin Palmer, candidate for Council Chair, responded. Her opponent, incumbent Phil Mendelssohn did not.
Open the questionnaire to see how candidates’ suggest a proactive council could enable the city to acquire more property for affordable housing, increase the amount of affordable housing at the former Wardman Hotel site, and implement effective oversight of the Housing Production Trust Fund.
Learn who supports requiring a racial equity analysis by the Council Office of Racial Equity, in addition to Large Tract Review, for all developments on sites over 3 acres.
Discover which candidates support changes to inclusionary zoning (IZ) regulations to increase the amount of affordable housing, and why all candidates agreed that development in downtown DC/City Center should not be exempt from inclusionary zoning (IZ) regulations.
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