Flyer by Cleveland Park Congressional UCC
On October 5, 2021 the Cleveland Park Congressional United Church of Christ held a virtual event that included a presentation and discussion on Ward 3's housing segregation history. The presentation was followed by a panel discussion focusing on what affordable housing currently looks like in Ward 3, and how guests of the event can get involved in various local efforts.
One of our Ward 3 Housing Justice members, Margaret Dwyer, represented the group in the panel discussion. Alongside her were Matthew Frumin and Barbara Kraft of Washington Interfaith Network (WIN) Ward 3 Working Group, and local writer Neil Flanagan. The video below is an excerpt from the event that shows Margaret speaking on the work our group does, and the values that we stand for:
Additional Resources
Below is a list of additional resources from the event:
A short documentary was shown called "Segregation by Design" which can be viewed here.
Neil Flanagan provided the following articles he wrote: https://ggwash.org/contributors/nsflanagan https://washingtoncitypaper.com/article/188488/the-battle-of-fort-reno/ https://ggwash.org/view/81402/what-happened-at-belmont-chevy-chase-and-what-does-it-say-about-the-racial-geography-of-dc
A resource on covenants in Cleveland Park